Exploring Religion

By: Sarah Gomez, Staff Writer

College is the time in which you find yourself; you shape our beliefs and discover who you are going to be from now on. That being said, finding your own path is not easy and can oftentimes feel intimidating. All the possibilities and unfamiliarity can make it feel impossible to explore something new and find what is right for you, and though there is no way to know everything before starting your journey, here is a place to start.

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What’s Actually Happening to Work Study Next Year

Over the course of the past week rumors have been swirling about concerns over changes to work study for the upcoming year.

“There isn’t going to be any work study next year”

“They’re only giving work study to freshmen next year”

“People who have never had work study will have priority next year”

“Regis is going to take our federal funds”

I am sure many students have heard one variation of the rumor or another, however there is no need to panic.

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Racism Within the Royal Family

By: Sarah Gomez, Staff Writer

Meghan and Harry were recently able to share their story in their first public interview. The recent interview has answered many questions regarding Meghan’s experience entering the royal family, but also led to many more questions surrounding race. In the interview conducted by Oprah, Meghan brought up a conversation held between her husband and his family that discussed what the color of their children's skin will look like. This is not Meghan’s first time having to deal with racism, however the racial issues faced by her children before birth was surprising to say in the least.

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WandaVision: Not Just for Marvel Fans

By: Sarah Gomez, Staff Writer

I’m sure nearly everyone at this point has heard of the Disney+ original WandaVision, the first series made by Marvel Studios, set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, with that being said, you don’t have to care or even know about any of that to enjoy the series as it is. Though Marvel fans might advertise this series as something of the specific niche, anyone who likes a good plot and cool characters can enjoy it. This sitcom format series is something enjoyable for multiple audiences of different familiarities of the characters. Whether you’re a marvel fanatic, only seen two or three films, or never even heard of it, WandaVision is bound to have something you can enjoy.

The show follows a couple, Wanda and Vision, as they move into their new home in the town of Westview, New Jersey. Wanda, a stay-at-home wife who can make a pen float in the air, and Vision, an indestructible AI that works for Computational Services Inc., move in at the beginning of the series. This series also expands on the two characters on a more personal level. This approach establishes the two in their own little bubble. The two are the main characters and we get to see the two grow with each other in a completely independent manner. The show follows a standard sitcom format that changes throughout the series, going from 50’s to 60’s and so on and so forth. While the two love birds are living their newly-wed lives in their new home, things begin to look out of the ordinary for their picture-perfect life. New problems begin to arise that are out of the ordinary even for a sitcom, and the rest of the series attempts to understand who or what is ruining the show. 

Though this may not be the most enticing storyline for everyone immediately, each episode comes with its own flavor. In addition to having the time era‘s general aesthetics, the story line of the episode follows a similar arc we would expect from a television show at that time. From I Love Lucy to The Office, WandaVision has an episode for whatever your comfort sitcom may be. In addition to this, the variety in episodes keep audiences constantly on their toes. The easy-to-follow plot makes this an ideal binge for family nights or background entertainment for studying, while still being entertaining.