Alexei Navalny: An Exceptional Leader

By Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer

Alexei Navalny was a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, scholar, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner. Navalny was Vladimir Putin's main competition for President of Russia. Navalny displayed anti-government demonstrations throughout all of his campaign. Navalny exposed those who were in power that were corrupting his country. Nalvany was a voice for those scared to speak up against their leader. He was unique in the way that he brought all political views together. Liberal, conservatives, and nationalists, all wanted to feel safe and trust their leader and Navalny would give this to them.

Navalny was an exceptional leader who made his way to the top of European politics with his bravery, charisma and fight for his people. What made Navalny special was that he was a human, a man, and wanted to be seen that way, and not seen as a politician. Vladimir Putin was quick to shut down the citizens' love and support of Navalny. In the year following, Navalny was heavily persecuted by the government for speaking up and opposing the government. In 2017, he lost 80% of his eyesight in one eye because an attacker threw an unknown liquid in his face. In 2020, he survived an elaborate poisoning by an assailant on an airplane. These are just recent attacks, but Navalny has had to endure a multitude of violence. 

Putin’s control over Russia has silenced all opposing voices through fear tactics. If these tactics fail, protest participants will be jailed, tortured, or murdered. During the last two decades, Putin has proved himself a ruthless operator. Russia’s violent history coupled with Navalny's perseverance and drive make his political operation very unique. 

Navalny’s fight sadly ended on February 16th, 2024 when the Russian prison said that he had died in their care. Many believe his death was due to an assassination, and not an accident. Navalny’s fight should remind us all to stand up for what we believe in no matter the consequence. His strength should be remembered in that light.