Broken Fairytale

Austin Price, Editor in Chief

Being broken is a fairytale

There’s a beauty 

There’s a beast 

There’s a rose 

And there’s thorns 

There’s not a clear hero 

And there’s not a clear villain 

The lines are crossed 

And the ink is smudged 

When you’re broken

You excel in deception 

You are a master of disguise

You are the ultimate antihero 

Some people love you

Some people hate you 

Some people root for you

And some people hunt you down 

Like in every good story, when you’re broken, you have conflict 

There’s a fight between good and evil 

A constant battle in fighting for your life 

While rejecting the all too tempting thought of death

While there is a once upon a time

There’s no happily ever after 

Because we don’t know what comes ever after 

And more importantly, we don’t want to know what comes after 

When you’re broken you can’t think about ever after 

You can’t think about a happy ending 

All you can think is now 

All you can do is now 

When you’re broken, there’s no knight in shining armor 

There’s no prince waiting to whisk you away 

Instead, there’s a beast 

A viscous, selfish, egotistical, manipulative beast 

This beast feeds on the broken

It devours every shattered piece

And slurps up every sliver of hope 

It gnaws on the bones that are cracked 

And chews on the stingy meat around them 

The beast is tricky

The beast is smart 

It knows who is the best prey 

And knows who is looking to be saved 

The beast is not a savior

The beast is not a hero

The beast is simply someone else who’s broken 

The beast is someone who already lost the fight 

When the beast hunts, they look to destroy what they once had 

They look to kidnap the joy and innocence of another precarious object 

A fragile human, that will be easy to break 

Their favorite meal, is one that is all too familiar