Club and Organization Fair a Success Despite Weather Problems

By: Morgan Jacobus, Staff Writer

“It’s quite the festival over there,” said a passerby.

After having to reschedule due to snow, the Club and Organization Fair was held on the student center patio on Thursday, Oct. 17.

“I’m from Colorado so I wasn’t surprised [by the snow]. My roommate had a panic attack and cried, it was pretty funny,” said Ashley Glorioso, who helped distribute cotton candy.

At the fair, in addition to a variety of clubs and organizations you could find cotton candy, popcorn, candy apples, a raffle for Broncos tickets, and some wasps.

“I can tell you wasps like cotton candy,” said Glorioso.

Though some may have missed the announcement of the rescheduling, many came to the fair.

“This was a club fair?” said Nelisse Niyongabo. “The date change probably screwed it up a bit, but the free food stopped people.”

The snow wasn’t the only bump in the road, this year there is also the system outage that is still affecting the university, but it hasn’t stopped Regis’ clubs. Not even new clubs were stopped from coming to fruition. Film Club is in their first year, and they just got approved two weeks ago.

“I think with everything being down it took a lot longer, but I think all things considered it was pretty streamlined, it wasn’t that difficult,”  said Luke Reynolds, who represented Film Club. “The club director was very direct let us know what we had to do when we had to have it in by.”

Stay up to date on events like the club and organization fair by checking your email and looking on social media. Instagram accounts like @regisuniversity and @regis_rusga post about events on their stories, so keep a look-out, and watch out for wasps!