Madelaine Johnson

Candidate for Student Body President

Academic Program/Degree:        Gender Justice and Law with Psychology

Current year at Regis:                     Third

Why are you interested in becoming a RUSGA Elected Officer?

To serve our Latino students better, I have translated my responses on my website:
Para servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes latinos, he escrito mis respuestas en mi sitio web:
If a student comes to me with an issue, I will ALWAYS take appropriate actions. I will ALWAYS include the student in the process, and I will ALWAYS serve the Regis community. As a first-generation student, I believe that leadership begins with service and grassroots community involvement and ultimately student voice, interest, and representation are vital for a successful campus environment. Growing up in a low-income family, I learned from an early age the value in working together and the importance of collective growth. This year, I have restructured RUSGA to be more inclusive, and have empowered our students to take direct action and follow-through within their advocacy and relationship with administration. There is a difference between hollow promises and solidified action, and I would like to reinforce my mission and standard of student centrism within our community. The standard that I have implemented is one of representation, diversity, and transparency. Through my current presidential leadership, I have ensured that the University is accountable for its promises.

If elected, what would be your top two priorities to improve the student experience at Regis?

To serve our Latino students better, I have translated my responses on my website:
Para servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes latinos, he escrito mis respuestas en mi sitio web:
My top priority is to further develop student engagement within policy decision-making and campus life, as well as upholding equality and diversity within our student organizations, staff, representation, and academic department studies. Ensuring that diversity and representation is embraced to its fullest in our community is a mission I strive for. With my work in the Queer Student Alliance, First Generation Scholars, Housing and Residential Engagement, RUSGA Presidency, and the Programming Board, I have had the chance to work alongside like-minded leaders on anti-racism projects and dismantling genderism and religious discrimination within our community. As the university is in transition to becoming a Hispanic Service Institution (HSI), I have supported leaders of this initiative to actively create a campus that serves and works with our Latino population. My next priority is to strengthen our Regis community network and collaboration. I believe that together we are stronger and consistent student feedback is necessary for growth. As a student who has gone through the process of student disability services with my PTSD service dog, Moose, I am working on further advocacy and representation for equal accessibility on our campus.

In your opinion, how best can RUSGA serve the students of Regis University?

To serve our Latino students better, I have translated my responses on my website:
Para servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes latinos, he escrito mis respuestas en mi sitio web:
I strongly believe that RUSGA can best serve students through means of strengthening community outreach. As leaders, we act as a liaison between Regis students and our administration. Due to the pandemic we all have experienced a fracture in interpersonal relationships which has left many of us feeling isolated. I see an opportunity for RUSGA to rebuild the community both for the residents on-campus and for our peers off-campus. I believe that RUSGA has the potential to grow and offer more outreach to student organizations and individuals, such as student athletics, student affinity groups, Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention, University ministry, Housing and Residential Engagement, and work study students. A student government which demonstrates a commitment to learning and openness to receiving feedback from their supervisor and/or peers provides a campus life in which to thrive.

What skills and strengths do you possess that will help you to be successful in your position if elected?

To serve our Latino students better, I have translated my responses on my website:
Para servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes latinos, he escrito mis respuestas en mi sitio web:
Something unique about myself is that I am not seeking glory for my own gratification. I strive for the betterment of the Regis student community as a whole. Uniqueness is only valuable if the person who discovers their gift uses it for the greater good. I am not the only domestic violence survivor, I am not the only one marching for equality, but I am unique because I have found my strength in bringing people together to collectively create change.
Because the Student Body President position is a commitment of time, emotion, talent and energy, I have already demonstrated the ability to balance my own pressures of academic and personal responsibilities. I am not easily flustered by challenging cross department communication, administration, student security, or institutional obstacles.
While one voice may cry out for change, that voice becomes a catalyst for other voices; which become so powerful together they cannot be ignored. I am that voice.

What job related, volunteer, or lived experience do you have that you think has prepared you for, or would transfer well, to this position?

To serve our Latino students better, I have translated my responses on my website:
Para servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes latinos, he escrito mis respuestas en mi sitio web:
As the current RUSGA President, I have been dedicated to upholding university transparency, student advocacy, and diversity. I have collaborated with the Regis Programming Board on involvement, and have worked alongside Student Affairs to provide funding to Clubs and Organizations. After listening to students last 2022 Spring, I collaborated with the university on improving the quality of student life by facilitating a new dining option which vastly improved the quality of meal services on campus. I have created environments for my team to feel secure, valued, and confident in the strengths that they provide. I have been an advisor and campus mediator, which taught me skills regarding boundaries, trauma management, and community building. Specifically, I have worked alongside my peers to build a space for community, safety, and engagement; serve the students as an advisor and resource from student crisis, and Title IX/Equal Opportunity reporter. Below are just a few of the programs that I personally developed and worked on: Bi-Weekly Town Hall Programs, worked directly with administration on student advocacy in wake of Student Affairs Summit, Queer Solidarity March, Club Q Vigil, Student Transportation Program, Dave Day Celebration, student activism through protest, and up-coming racial equality accountability sessions this spring.